Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Season of Change

It seems only yesterday that we came together as a nation and voiced our need for change. We spoke louder than ever before, with voices heard around the world. We listened not to the old attitudes of status quo, we listened only to that which we knew was right. We marched as never before to the polls of equality, punching a chit, marking an X and touching the screen.

Hoping finally that our time had come, believing that now more than ever the people would be heard. We shed tears of joy, acknowledging our own success in overcoming the egregious wrongdoings of world that had succumb to greed. Alas the moment had come, when all we believed had come into being. The season of inevitability, the season of long awaited change.

We thought to ourselves at this instant, all that was, would no longer be. We believed the battle had been won. The war was over, the victory finally won! We knew that life had been so miserable, the scars of hatred permenantly affixed. We of all people understood the importance of just saying no. No longer the minions of the greedy corporate elitist. We the people had finally awakened and stood up for all that is just. We could feel the elation as it coerced throughout the blood in our veins. We shouted from the rooftops through tears of joy! It's now or never, the time has finally come. We voted in our champion, yes now life could move on.

How wrong have we been, forgetting the lethargy that brought us to this point. Status quo will not give up without a fight. We must be vigilant, we must always be wary. Our lesson has been painful, we've waited for decade's. Do not fail, speak with your mightiest of voices. The people must not succumb. Demand change, demand equality, demand accountability, demand prosperity and last but not least demand peace.

You see in a democracy, the government will govern by the will of the people. We as the people must demand transparency, we must demand our voices be heard. Without our demands, the government will acquiesce to the hand that feeds it. We must declare that hand does not and will not have a place at our table. On this the day of Ressurection, I call upon the people to rise up and be heard. Speak loudly, shout it from the rooftops. Yes we can!

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