Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Joseph Jackson

Today, I've shed many tears as I witnessed the memorial service for MJJ. It's like a part of me has passed on never to be seen again. Many of you probably had similar feelings today, it was apparent that the service generated a tremendous outpouring of emotions. Seeing Michael's young daughter's proclamation to the world, that her dad, was in fact a great father. Only made me wonder how so many people had come to believe otherwise for so very long.

Even the normally foolish and insipid Al Sharpton managed to get it right this time. Having listened to him speak over the years, I'd grown to cringe whenever he expressed his usually over-bearing opinion. Today however, I was pleasantly surprised to hear him speak in factual terms for a change. Expressing the true importance of Michael's contributions to humanity.
As he spoke to the Jackson Children, he mentioned "Michael wasn't strange, only the way people responded to him was strange" I've taken some time to review the charitable contributions that Michael donated to, and appeared on behalf of. It's literally amazing the amount of effort this man put into uplifting the human race. Jackson donated over 300 million dollars to charity during his lifetime. Singularly setting a record for the most organizations supported by a single individual(39) which established a Guinness Book record.

Additionally, he set attendance and concert fees records on 5 continents. The man was truly global in his appeal. Many artist and dignitaries have come and gone over the years, but no other individual can claim the absolute exposure and recognition this man has established throughout his lifetime.

I pity those people who find it necessary to castigate this humane and humble man in his death. If you look very closely, you will find ample evidence to prove that not one of the numerous charges that were brought against Michael Jackson had merit. Extortionist, like journalist, have personal objectives that lend themselves to their well-being. Don't take my word, in the world of the Internet, take a few moments, look for yourself. The innocence of this man, will jump out and smack you at every turn.

Creativity, is a gift, not everyone possesses this elusive quality within their DNA. Sometimes, one individual comes along that manages to show each of us, how things can and should be done.
I can only hope that someday, the entire world will follow the path laid out by this great and gracious man. If that day does come, you can rest assured, the world will be a better place.

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